Baby’s first Christmas. How does it affect you in your routines?


Christmas is coming, that time of year so endearing when we want to spend time with our family. Sensations and feelings that multiply if a new baby has come into the family: His first Christmas! Many family members will be looking forward to meeting him , spending time with him, giving him his first little gifts … Everything will revolve around the new member of the family.

But we must not forget that Christmas is also a time of meetings, chaotic dinners or lunches, exhausting shopping … And all of this will affect our baby.

How does Christmas affect a baby?

Although Christmas brings many new stimuli for babies such as lights, new decorations … What affects our little ones the most are the meetings and outings they are not used to.

  • Your nap schedule or nighttime sleep schedule may be upset . They will not sleep well at night and as a consequence the next day they will be more irritated.
  • That they feel more stressed by constantly changing arms .

Tips for making the holidays affect your baby

  • Attend celebrations in other people’s homes instead of organizing them at your home. So you can leave when your baby or you need it. And it will be much more comfortable than suggesting to your guests that they leave.
  • Follow as much as possible the same routines as before the holidays: bath, dinner and sleep. Even if you change the crib for the pram cuckoo .
  • In the event that you know in advance that it will be impossible for you to comply with these routines, change them a while before . If, for example, you know that bathing at night before going to sleep will be impossible, change the bath time in the morning a few weeks before Christmas.
  • At the home of a relative, take the baby to another room if he falls asleep. Also in the case that you are going to give him lunch or dinner, that way he will be much more comfortable.

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